Special Classes for Children with Autism

Special Classes for Children with Autism

Enrolment Policy


Our policy is one of openness and inclusiveness and as such we will collaborate fully with parents in the education of their children.

In order for  a child to be enrolled in a Special Class for Children with  Autism, a place must be available and he/she must fully fulfil the following criteria:-


  • Full psychological assessment specifying Autism by a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist with a recommendation of enrolment in the Unit for children with Autism.


  • School Enrolment Form – fully completed


  • All relevant reports and assessments must be given to the school prior to child enrolling.


  • Department of Education & Science states ratio is 6 pupils to 1 teacher.


  • Parents/Guardians of prospective candidates must meet Principal and other relevant personal before child starts school.



  • As we are catering for children in a mainstream setting the overall I.Q. score / level of ability as measured in the psychological assessment must fall within the Average to Mild General Learning Disability Range. Children who fall into the moderate range of disability or below may not be deemed suitable for the class.


If the number of children on the list of applicants to enrol exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will apply in priority order, beginning with number one.


  1. Newly diagnosed and already attending mainstream in the school.
  2. Brothers and sisters of existing pupils in school.
  3. Children of past pupils.
  4. Appropriate Class placement (i.e. Early Int, Junior, Middle or Senior class)
  5. Children living in catchment area.

If spaces are still available, places will be allocated as per waiting list, once an assessment has been made by the Board of Management.