Safety Statement

Kinvara NS Safety Statement  June 2023

School Principal Address  

Dominic Gallagher


Convent Road, Kinvara, H91X673


Safety Officer


Staff Safety Representative:


John Mara


Gearoid Nolan




Rob Hotchkiss


First Aid


Dominic Gallagher, Gearoid Nolan all staff members


Ambulance: Fire Brigade


999 or 112

Gardaí: Kinvara (091) 637102
HSA Office: 1890 289 239


Duties of the Board: Board of Management Health and Safety Policy


In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, it is the policy of the Board of Management to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, to protect the safety, health and welfare at work of all staff and to protect pupils, visitors, contractors and other persons at the school from injury and ill health arising from any work activity. The successful implementation of this policy requires the full support and active cooperation of all staff, contractors and pupils of the school.


It is recognised that hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures are legislative requirements which must be carried out by the school to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all staff.


The Board of Management, as the employer, undertakes in so far as is reasonably practicable to:


  • promote standards of safety, health and welfare that comply with the provisions and requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and other relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice;


  • provide information, training, instruction and supervision where necessary, to enable staff to perform their work safely and effectively;


  • maintain a constant and continuing interest in safety and health matters pertinent to the activities of the school;


  • continually improve the system in place for the management of occupational safety and health and review it periodically to ensure it remains relevant, appropriate and effective;


  • consult with staff on matters related to safety, health and welfare at work;


  • provide the necessary resources to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all those to whom it owes a duty of care, including staff, pupils, contractors and


The Board of Management is committed to playing an active role in the implementation of this occupational safety and health policy and undertakes to review and revise it in light of changes in legislation, experience and other relevant developments.



Signed: Brian Connolly Chairperson (On behalf of BoM) Date: 21st June 2023








  • To support the school policy in creating a safe working environment
  • To continuously monitor and review all aspects of the Safety Statement
  • To ensure that there is safety consultation between the school community and management with regards to all matters that may affect H&S at the school
  • To meet when required and provide a recommendation to Principal when changes are necessary


The business of the safety committee meetings shall include the following:

  • Review of any accidents or dangerous occurrences since last meeting
  • Recommendations for correction of accidents caused
  • Carry out safety audits and report findings to the Principal (Appendix A)


The safety committee is the forum through which the school community is consulted and given opportunities to make recommendations on H&S issues.


Staff Responsibilities:


It is the duty of every staff member while at work to:


  • Obey the health and safety legislation
  • Take reasonable care of own safety, health and welfare and that of others in his/her care
  • Cooperate with the Principal or any other appointed person in complying with the relevant statutory provisions and use the personal protection provided to secure their own safety, health or welfare
  • Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, protective clothing or equipment provided
  • Report to the Principal/ Safety Officer, any defects of which he becomes aware (in plant, equipment, or system of work, which might endanger safety, health or welfare of staff,) without unreasonable delay
  • Participate in health and safety training organised by the school authorities
  • Participate in any accident investigation as required by the


Policies that link with Safety Statement in Kinvara National School:

  • Child Safeguarding Statement (Jan 2020)
  • Dignity at Work
  • Administration of Medicines
  • Anti – bullying Policy
  • Intimate Care Needs
  • SEN Policy






Hazard Controls Other Information e.g. Risk / Likelihood/ People involved
Manual handling – lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling or supporting a load. ●     Manual handling must be avoided if possible, use mechanical means whenever possible.

●     If unavoidable, the manual handling tasks must be assessed and the risk reduced as much as possible.

●     Each job must be assessed to take account of:The Task (push, pull, twist, repetitive), The Load (weight, shape, size)The Environment (steps, ramps, rough), The Individual (fit, able, pregnant, sick etc.)

●     Use aids -, hand truck, pallet trucks, trolley, wheeled mobile machinery, lifts

●     When necessary, get assistance and plan the moves – Use Caretaker

●     Staff should not put themselves or the children in their care at risk when moving, lifting or carrying furniture.

●     Controls in place for lifting / moving furniture


Risk of back injury, damage to bones of the spinal column, discs or soft tissue.


High Risk if not handled properly.


All staff members have attended Manual Handling courses, new staff inducted into safety concerns.

Updating of courses necessary every 3 years


Reminder to staff at Sept Staff meeting regarding Safety20 (glance sheet) and induction of new staff following meeting.

Work Stations – Use of VDUs ●     Workstation assessment form to be distributed to all staff each September and recommendations reviewed

●     Equipment is of a proper design and is maintained by ICT team (class computers)

●     Keyboard and Mouse wrist supports are available if required

●     Staff aware of the correct posture, wrist and elbow positions, and position of the monitor for those using VDUs for extended periods of time

●     Staff awareness of the need for regular changes of routine away from the VDU workstation

●     Staff are offered eyes tested with prior approval, if using VDU equipment for more than 3 hours a day continually


Aggravating back problems Muscular-skeletal disorders of the upper limbs, shoulders and neck

Muscle Fatigue Eye Irritation Visual Fatigue

Tripping on loose cables.


All workstations assessed by a competent VDU workstation assessor as outlined in the 2007 Regulations on VDU’s* See Safety 20 document for further controls


●     Staff members are competent in the systems they are using.

●     Staff recommended to move away from computer screens, IWB shutdown, keep work station clear, VDU assessments (Sept 20)

Pregnant members of staff ●     The Pregnant at Work Regulations 2000 will be adhered to at all times.

●     The Regulations apply immediately once the employee informs the Principal that she is pregnant.

●     A risk assessment will be carried out on the work that the pregnant employee is engaged in by or on behalf of the Principal. Safety Officer checks that all is well, when pregnancy is known, Teachers can swap duties to ensure their own safety

●     All activities, especially those listed on Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of the pregnant at Work Regulations 2000 will be assessed.

●     Where necessary, working conditions will be adjusted or work will be provided where possible, as per Section 18 of the Maternity Protection Act 1994.

●     Leave, including unpaid sick leave may apply.




Health of employee and unborn child


All pregnant employees. See Safety 20 Glance Card


Bullying/ Harassment/ Discrimination and Sexual Harassment ●     See school Anti-bullying Policy on school website.

●     KNS committed to ensuring that all staff are free from bullying, harassment and sexual harassment as outlined in Dignity at Work Act 2006,

●     The contact person is the Principal

●     All complaints will be treated speedily and confidentially

●     All employees sign as ‘read and understood’ policies pertaining to Dignity at Work i.e. Complaints and Grievances Policy, Bullying and Harassment Policy, Positive Mental Health Policy, Child Safeguarding Policy, Behaviour Policy, Learning Support/Special Needs Policy

●     Conflict Resolution Meeting, should the need arise.

●     Anti-bullying Awareness Week, Internet Safety talks, Recording of bullying Incidents, confidential records.


Stress, depression, anxiety, skin problems, blood pressure, health problems.



Personnel encouraged to seek help, should any problem arise. Atmosphere of friendly cooperation is reiterated by principal, ISM team and staff members.


Children / Staff members are made aware of routes to sort bullying

Hazard: Slips Trips ●     Trailing cables on the floor are covered whenever possible

●     Spillages are isolated and cleared up immediately

●     Floor surface condition are maintained in safe condition at all times

●     Faults or defects are reported to the Safety Officer and/or caretaker

●       Passageways and stairways are well lit

●     All passageways, corridors and stairways are maintained and tidy

●     Passageways, corridors and stairways must not be used for storage of any items or deliveries, even temporarily

●     All cabinet drawers are closed when not in use

●     Tidiness and awareness of hazards is encouraged

●     Tools and equipment are kept tidy during and after use

●     Mats are used inside entrance doors to reduce slippage on wet flooring

●       Anti-slip covering is used on all stairways

Risk: Cuts, lacerations, minor injury




Infections, loss of blood Injury to limbs



Infections, loss of blood Injury to limbs


All staff have a duty of care to sort safety concerns at the earliest possible time – spills, obstacles etc..


●     Clothing off floor, not around waists in PE hall, appropriate footwear for PE, laces tied on shoes, no wheels on shoes, appropriate protective clothing for sporting activities

●       Teachers aware of running to walls

●     Children in school between 8.50 and 9.10 required to sit quietly in their seats (older children) or in the hall (Jun. Infants to 2nd Class). Sanctions apply to those who do not follow this rule. Teachers and SNA staff members are present in the hall and on upstairs corridors supervising children.

●     Handrails available on all interior stairs and children are taught to use them.

Stairwells and Use of Ladders ●     Junior classes on ground floor, supervision required during morning and break times.

●     School procedure on using stairs explained to pupils including proper use of handrails

●     Special care taken by SNAs of pupils in their care, can use side stairs if middle stairs a challenge

●     Staff awareness on the dangers when using stairs and of the need to show example to pupils

●     On-going checks to ensure pupils are complying with school policy on using the stairs safely.

●     The rules followed for safe use of ladders are as follows: Before use, check the condition of the ladder. Always set correctly on a secure base in open and locked position. Never over reach outward and have at least one hand available for grip. Don’t stand on the top rung. Ladders are available on each floor for classroom use.

●     Request Caretaker to help after school hours, whenever possible.

Slips/ Trips


Risk: Cuts/Bruises

Back injuries, shoulders and neck


Broken bones through falling




All staff are reminded of their duty of care throughout the year in staff meetings and if infractions occur, by Safety Team / Principal.


School Outings


Swimming Vehicular collisions

●     Children counted before, during and after all trips

●     All passengers travelling on the bus must be seated and must use the seat belts provided

●     Only one person/child per seat is allowed.

●     The bus/mini-bus is regarded as an extension of the school. Therefore, the rules and regulations and Code of Discipline that apply in school, that are reasonably operable on a bus

●     Only fully licensed and authorized drivers are allowed to drive vehicles

●     The driver of the bus is in charge of the bus and its passengers. The driver should always be accompanied by teacher supervisors. In this situation it is the responsibility of the supervisor to supervise the pupils on the bus

●     Taxi may be used to transport small groups of children, accompanied by parent/teacher

●     Child Safeguarding is a priority when out of school – accompanying children to bathrooms, keeping them within sight, keeping them with the group.

●     Teachers on supervision duty when children are in pool and getting dressed. Male / female if at all possible. Children clear on procedures should they have to evacuate pool for any reason.

●     Clear instructions given re walking around pool edge.


Drowning Loss of a child



•  Collision with another

•  Collision with a cyclist/ bus Vehicle overturning

* Losing control of the bus whilst driving

Severe injury Cuts, bruises

All staff members and pupils










Teacher talks to each group before swimming programme to ensure they are clear on rules and procedures.

Fire ●     Housekeeping standards are set and maintained at the highest level.

●     Electrical appliances are always clear of flammable material.

●     All electrical equipment is maintained to a safe level.

●     Equipment switched off and unplugged when not in use.

●     Removal of waste paper daily, stored away from school buildings.



Severe injury, burns, smoke inhalation, death.


All employees and visitors


●     Smoke detectors installed throughout, alarm system, carbon dioxide extinguishers, foam, water and dry powder. Smoke detectors/fire alarms checked annually

●     Doors closed at end of working day unless otherwise established

●     All Fire doors close automatically in the case of a fire.

●       Escape routes clear at all times

●     Teachers familiar with fire exits and assembly points

●     All staff members are trained in fire safety and fire extinguisher use (Oct 18)

●     Fire Drill and Evacuation Policy. Clarification of evacuation procedures annually

●     Information dissemination about Fire over intercom, should the fire block an exit.

●     Fire Wardens secure in fire drill and evacuation procedures – expected and unexpected drills.

●     In the event of fire, teachers ensure all children present in school are accounted for.

●     ‘Integrated Fire Solutions’ used for fire and safety training. Guidance given on different fires and usage of equipment.

●     Evacuation procedures displayed by door in each room to facilitate quick exit from the building.

●     Children and staff to recognise the continuous sound of the fire alarm bell.

●     Immediate evacuation on sounding of alarm – unless otherwise stated.

●       Fire Wardens know and understand duties.

●     Class list to be available in each classroom for Evacuation purposes.

Fire safety doors, smoke detectors alarms are checked each September and during each Fire Training Evacuation.


Fire drill procedure to be discussed and practiced at least twice a year – usually 3 times. A fully planned one (Sept), one what is planned but not children are not alerted (Nov), one unplanned (Jan)

All staff participate in Fire Drill, all evacuation plans discussed each year with new staff.


An attendance record is maintained for all visitors at the main office


Signage used for fire assembly points and for safety in and around school


All classroom doors to be closed in the event of a fire. Fire doors close automatically

– checked each September by caretaker.


Fire Drills will be dated and kept on file by the Safety Officer and stored in Safety Book for inspections.


Adjustments made as necessary. Jan ’19 (evacuation in under 3 minutes) Jan 20 (evc under 3 minutes except for Evac Chair)


Access and egress to the school ●     The school pedestrian policy is signed by parents as read and understood on enrolment and mentioned at Parent Evenings each September. Continuous monitoring done on a daily basis by Caretaker.

●     Appropriate signs are in place around the school grounds, to aid staff and visitors.

●       Roadways are maintained and well lit.

●     All pedestrian traffic routes, aisles, work areas and escape routes are to be kept free of obstruction.

●     Spillages cleaned up immediately and marked by signs, if necessary.

●     External workplaces are kept clean and tidy.

●     All openings are fenced and handrails provided as necessary.

●     In all areas of access and exit, lighting is sufficient to highlight hazards.

●     Entry is forbidden to all areas that have prohibition notices. It is a mandatory prohibition, except for authorized staff.

●     Ice on tarmac areas is salted or gritted by caretaker. Moss treated.

Slips, trips and falls leading to possible serious injury.

Falls from heights.


All staff members All children


See Safety 20 Glance doc

Children with Special Needs/ Intimate Care Needs  

●     Staff will encourage the breaking down of attitudinal /physical barriers, which might prevent other staff/children with disabilities from accessing the school building or the curriculum offered.

●     Mechanisms and approaches include; safe access and egress to include wheelchairs / emergency Evac chairs

●     The BoM and staff undertake to ensure positive actions with regard to disability issues, with particular reference to promoting equality of opportunity in the school

●     Every effort made to allow the child with a disability to participate fully in the school’s curricular and extra-curricular programmes

●       Intimate Care Policy and Learning Support Policy ensure a caring and safe


Children in need of individual supervision

Inclusion Integration with other children and staff:
Risks: Stress Worry

Inability to achieve potential


Procedure to ensure child safety and happiness in school:

Parental approach to teacher Teacher responds.

Reviewed after appropriate time.


environment for children in our care.

●     Children with SEN are supervised by class teachers and SNAs in class and on stairs and during breaks.

●     Children with behavioural difficulties are monitored carefully in class and in the yard to ensure the safety of other children. EBD classes to develop emotional literacy. Movement breaks arranged out of classroom

●     Children with limited ability use the lift provided when access to upper /lower floor is required. Children will not travel in the lift on their own. Adult supervision required.

●     Caretaker /other staff/ SNAs support parents of children with disabilities to facilitate access/egress to school building.

●     The importance of supervision of children is stressed staff meetings (prompt return to class after breaks, visibility on yard supervision etc.)

●     Parental consent is given in writing to allow SNAs to attend to individual intimate care needs.

●     Staff members are alert to children needing supervision in the yard and actively intervene when unsafe practices are occurring. Note in yard book to alert supervising teachers to children in need of help socially/ behaviourally in the yard.

●     Doors at back of the school closed to be closed after breaks to secure the building. SNA on toilet duty during breaks

●     Closure of the existing pedestrian gates during school hours, to act as a deterrent to a child who is a flight risk.

●     Children taught that they must not leave the school grounds without permission.


Principal to l be informed. See Anti – bullying Policy for further detail
Safety of Children


Collection of children

●     The Parking Policy lays down the strict rules of no reversing inside the school car park at peak times, when children are moving to and from the building. Parents are minded of this at Information Evenings in September. Risk: Death or injury All who use the school

grounds – parents, children and school staff


●     Older children are recommended to walk into the school grounds from the access road, using paths only.

●     Refuse trucks to collect early before children come into school.

●     Trucks driving around the back must drive very slowly, showing awareness of the school environment.

●     Deliveries must be brought to the office

●     All gates opened for during the day must be re-closed

●     Children use the paths and safe crossing areas only, in school car park .

●     Cars do not have access to the back of school unless extra parking is needed and cars are directed there. Area to be kept free is painted yellow and gridded

●     Gates installed to restrict movement from Junior Infant Astro to the front of the school and also on senior yard. These are closed during break-time.

●     No vehicle will be allowed to drive through the school grounds in a dangerous manner. Personnel are asked to intervene to ensure the safety of children and staff

●     Front doors locked before, during and after breaks, notices indicating that visitors must report to office.

Doors to the back of school, are closed after breaks to secure the building. SNA on toilet duty during breaks

●     Closure of the existing pedestrian gates during school hours, to act as a deterrent to a child who is a flight risk.

●     Children taught that they must not leave the school grounds without permission.





Working in an area alone or when others have left.



Flight Risk Knock down Risk Broken bones

Fatal consequences

Security of Staff ●     Staff members will inform the Principal of


their absences from classrooms or school, to ensure alternative arrangements can be made for supervision.

●     This information is communicated by phone as early as possible to allow for organization of cover.

●     All staff members must have a means of communication available to them at all times – school/personal mobile on trips

●     Staff members suffering from any medical condition should make it known to management and should have any necessary medication with them at work

●     Staff members should not remain after cleaners leave. If remaining alone in a building for any reason, doors should be locked to restrict access to others.

●     In such circumstances no visitors should be allowed access.

●     Ensure family/ friends know if a staff member is in school working after hours.

●     After 3.00 the front door to the school is locked. Staff members entering and exiting should lock it after them.

●     New staff to be made aware of procedures to follow should an alarm sound. Ring the security company with the appropriate codes.

●     All teachers to clock in and clock out the main door to ensure no other doors are left open after school hours. If leaving by another exit, ask a colleague to lock after them.

●     Where possible all staff members should have left the premises after 6.30. Procedure of telling / writing on small board to be followed before the alarm set to alert anyone locking up, that there is someone in the building.

Isolation or exposure to possible assault.

Injury All staff

Loading and unloading of supplies. ●     Deliveries must be brought to the office unless otherwise arranged

●     All gates opened during the day must be re-closed.

●     A member of staff needed to accompany outside personnel to relevant areas of school, if a service is needed during school

All who use the school grounds – parents, children and school staff


day – Sharon.

●       Lift to be made available if required

Bank Lodgments ●     Cash in the safe should not exceed limits laid down

●     Report the matter immediately to Principal and An Garda Síochana

●     Counseling will be arranged for any staff member who suffers any such trauma


Office staff members lodging money.


Risk of Robbery

Employing Contractors with ongoing contracts (deliveries, lift engineers, cleaners, sanitary cleaners)


After School Facilities

●     The contractor’s insurance policy should be provided by the contractor and seen by school management in advance of any work commencing to ensure that the policy covers the contract as an “away” from home site for the contractor.

●     Ensure all contractors have a valid safety statement

●     All contractors must liaise with management before commencing work to establish common safety systems.

●     So far as is reasonably practicable the contractor’s work area should be defined and marked off.

●     All contractors made aware of our safety statement and the particular hazards they may encounter, before starting work.

●     Work equipment will not be made available to contractors.

●     Contractors own work equipment must meet the required standards for work equipment as described in the Work Equipment Regulations.

●     Any accidents involving contractors will be investigated in the normal way. Notifiable accidents involving contractors will be

Variety of possible risks associated with refurbishment


All employees and contractor employees and






Risk of death, serious injury, loss of a limb, serious falls etc..


notified to the Health & Safety Authority.

●     All employees will be advised in advance of contractors coming to carry out work, if it interferes with their work space. Where possible this work is carried on outside of the school day.

●     Special Risk Assessment required for one-off building projects

Visitors during School Hours ●     All visitors report to reception and sign in before gaining entry to school.

●     Visitors assigned to a staff member, who is responsible for their safety while on the premises

●     All visitors asked to make an appointment whenever possible to gain school access.

●     Closed circuit cameras in operation around school grounds and in foyer.

●     Key code needed for entry beyond front/back door

●     All exit doors to be closed and locked on inside, to ensure that unauthorized persons do not gain access to school building. This does not apply to emergency doors

●     Lower floor blinds are pulled down each day to restrict view of classrooms

●     Gates closed during the day to restrict traffic inside gates.

●     Staff members will approach persons found wandering in and around school premises.

●     Children who go home early are to be signed out by collecting parent/ guardian.

●     Children may not be collected by parents from the school yard. Parents must wait until the child is back in class and the teacher informed of the child’s withdrawal from class.

●     All equipment to be taken from the yard each day.

●     Main door to be locked after 3.00 to restrict access, unless otherwise organized.

●     All visitors to the school building are provided with a lanyard indicating status as ‘visitor’. The reverse side will outline instructions re acceptable practice (1. No

All visitors Children

































Provided by the office on sign in to school premises.


photographs without permission, 2. Teacher must be present, 3. All interactions in public areas and in groups).
Maintenance of Hazards


Using ride on lawnmower/angle grinders/ strimmers/. Picking up glass other rubbish about school etc.


●     Experienced person operating the equipment

●     No Children or other staff member allowed in the vicinity of work being carried out.

●     First Aid station located the Secretary’s Office and basic one in each classroom

●     A record of all injuries, times, dates and procedures, referral and advice is kept in the Yard book. An Accident Report sheet is used for more serious accidents. Reports signed and dated on the day of the incident and brought to the attention of the class teacher and Principal.

●       Protective gloves used.

●     Special timber tongs to pick up dangerous material

●     Work areas will be fenced off.

●     Maintenance sheet available in Office.

●     Teachers are aware of the need to draw Caretaker’s attention to potential dangers in and around the school.

●       Blood Spatter cleaned with boiling water.

Maintenance person



Cuts, bruises lacerations, minor injury

Serious injury and loss of limb(s) or life

Infections, loss of blood

Covid 19 Safety Considerations


March – June 2020 Sept 2020 onward


These will change as the Department of Education and the National Health Response Group (correct name?) issues protocols for the Return to School

●     On entry to school, sanitizer and gloves are to be used –

●     Click in/out to be filled in by all, to facilitate contact tracing if necessary.

●     Wipes are to be used on door handles to clean down and reduce transmission of infection.

●     Members of the wider school community will not enter the school except for official business – at the office which is separated by glass, or at the hall door for book distribution and collection.

●     Social distancing guidelines to be adhered to by staff in the building and parents who need to come into building.

Risk to Life,respiratory Illness etc.

Stress, anxiety, separation anxiety,




the overall objective is to open schools in accordance with the normal start of the new school year to the fullest extent while minimising the risks from a public health perspective. Arrangements will allow for new routines to be established and bedded


●     Hand sanitizer to be available in all classrooms and corridors and at all entrances and exits.

●     Signage reminding personnel about regulations regarding hand hygiene and social distancing measures to be prominently displayed throughout the building.

●     Signs at gates reminding visitors that the school grounds are closed during Lockdown.

●     Children to be taught the importance of handwashing repeatedly, once school reopens.

●     webinars etc. will be developed centrally and available for use by schools, parents and students.

●     There will be a strong focus on supporting mental health and wellbeing of students and staff during the initial phase of


●     Planning for a blended learning approach (on-line/in school) may be a feature of the approach to reopen schools as regions respond to changed circumstances. The NCCA and Department of Education to issue guidelines regarding the management of a blended model.

●     A dedicated webpage will be provided to enable the sharing of information and updates in an open and transparent manner

●     Enhanced cleaning regime – Additional resources will be provided to schools to enable enhanced cleaning regimes to be put in place for operation of schools

●     It is not envisaged that significant PPE will be required in school setting

Re-opening will be underpinned by 3 broad principles;

Maintaining the health, safety and wellbeing of the school community, including both staff, children and their families and the wider community.


Ensuring access to a minimum standard of education for all children, including vulnerable, hard to reach and marginalised groups. Maintaining access for particular groups e.g.

Junior Infants / 6th Class.


Engaging with stakeholders within the school community and beyond to build confidence within the community about returning to school.



Webinars in class.




Mind up and other mental health and well being resources, will be very important to the reopening of school


Checklist for Staff at beginning of each Academic Year


  1. Safety Statement is summarized and all staff are asked to read and sign that they have read and understood
  2. The Safety 20 Card is used as a summary
  3. The following procedures are included – lifting, locking up, first aid, bullying, supervision, collection of children, travelling with children out of school, safety in and around the school, emergency procedures, keeping staff safe, safety in stairwells and lifts, safety around electricity and in work stations, safety around vehicles and
  4. Teachers will complete a Risk Assessment of their own work areas and return them to Safety Officer at the beginning of each