Code of Discipline
If the school is to achieve a happy, secure environment in which children can develop to their full potential, it is necessary to provide a framework, which promotes constructive behaviour and discourage unacceptable behaviour. The aim is to ensure that the individuality of each pupil is accommodated while acknowledging the right of each pupil to an education in a relatively disruption free environment. The school code places a greater emphasis on rewards than on sanction, and the idea is that pupils will acquire self-discipline.
Aims of our Code of Discipline
- To help create a positive, stimulating, learning environment in which every pupil can benefit from the school.
- To help pupils become more self-disciplined and to encourage good standards of behaviour at home, at school and locally based on consideration, respect and tolerance for others.
- The maintenance of good order throughout the school and respect for the school environment.
Our school Rules are devised with regard for the health, safety and welfare of all members of the school community. If a school is to function properly and efficiently, it is necessary that the rules and regulations are clearly stated and enforced consistently and wisely.
- Pupil must show respect for teachers, parents and fellow pupils at all times.
- School property and the property of others must be treated with respect. Interfering or damaging school property, i.e. writing on walls, tables, etc will be regarded as a serious offence.
- Aggressive behaviour or foul language will not be tolerated in the school.
- Running indoors, pushing, jostling and any sort of rough play is not permitted.
- No child is allowed leave the school grounds without permission.
- High standards of hygiene should be required at all times throughout the school.
- Children are encouraged to use the litter bins to keep the school and the grounds tidy.
- Children are expected to wear the complete school uniform each day.
- All absences shall be explained by written notification.
- Punctuality is encouraged at all times. Children should arrive in school no later than 9.15am.
- The use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden within the school grounds. If found to do so, the phone will be confiscated until 2.50pm.
While your child is in school he/she will be known by the names (Christian name and Surname) that is on his/her Birth & Baptismal Certificate. The school will only change the name if evidence of changing name by deed poll is made available to the Principal of the school. Slang name-calling, surnames or nicknames is discouraged, as we would like all children to be treated with respect.
- The following are not permitted on the school premises:
- Eating during class time.
- Dangerous articles, i.e. knives, sharp objects, aerosols, matches, lighters or any object that is considered a danger to any pupil or others.
- Fizzy drinks, sweets, biscuits, bars, chewing gum or any other junk food.
- Tipp-Ex
- A most serious view will be taken by the Board of Management of the introduction of abusive substances to the school.
In class: Continuously talking/ Disrupting out of turn/ Cheeky behaviour/ Distracting others/ Untidy work.
In Playground: Fighting/ Kicking/ Rough play/ Foul language/ spitting etc.
Serious Misbehaviour: Bullying / Mitching/ Stealing/ Aggressive, threatening or violent behaviour towards a teacher or pupil /deliberate damage to school property / leaving school grounds without permission.
- The class teacher deals with it and may impose a sanction on the pupil.
- If the problem persists the teacher shall consult the Principal or parents, in the hope of solving and helping the pupil.
- In the case of serious misbehaviour the Principal, the teacher and the parents may need to have ongoing discussions to monitor the situation.
The following strategies may be used to show disapproval of unacceptable behaviour:
- Reasoning with pupil.
- Verbal reprimand, including advice on how to improve.
- Temporary separation from peers, friends and others.
- Prescribed additional work signed by parents.
- Recording of incident of misbehaviour in the incident book.
- Detention during breaks.
- Referral to Principal.
Pupils who misbehave frequently and who have no remorse for their actions will not be allowed to participate in school outings for their own safety and that of others. Although incidents of misbehaviour are recorded, the emphasis is on encouraging children to behave well and praise is given for commendable behaviour. Parents will be informed at an early stage if problems occur and not simply at the point where a crisis has arisen. At times, it has been suggested by some parents that the matters to which their attention is being drawn are of a trivial nature, and that there was no necessity to have informed them that their child has misbehaved. The response to this is that while the misbehaviour may appear to be of a trivial nature, it is the cumulative effect of such breaches of the rules, which is important as it undermines the ethos of the school.
For gross misbehaviour or repeated instances of serious misbehaviour, suspension will be seriously considered by the Board of Management.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Bullying is repeated aggression which is verbal, psychological or physical. Bullying is conducted by an individual or group against others. Isolated incidents of aggressive behaviour, which should not be condoned, cannot be described as bullying. It may manifest itself in many forms such as physical aggressions damage to property, extortion, intimidation, isolation, name-calling and ‘slagging’. At the centre of our school’s response to bullying is the continued development of a positive school climate, which focuses on respect for the individual. It is an important element of school policy to raise awareness of bullying as a form of unacceptable behaviour.
Procedures for Noting and Reporting an Incident of Bullying Behaviour
All incidents of bullying, no matter how trivial will be investigated and dealt with by the teachers.
Serious cases of bullying behaviour by pupils are to be referred immediately to the Principal
Those involved will be interviewed individually and then collectively.
Communication with parents will be necessary if behaviour continues.
Teachers will keep a written record of all serious incidents of misbehaviour.
Every pupil has the right to enjoy his/her time in Scoil Iosaif Naofa, free from bullying, both in school and on their journey to and from school.
Our school will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks, even if these were not meant to hurt.
Pupils should support each other by reporting all instances of bullying.
Bullying is regarded as a very serious matter; no child has a right to strike another, even in ‘self-defence’.
It is made clear to pupils that when the report incidents of bullying they are not telling tales but are behaving responsibly. It is important to counteract a culture which may associate ‘telling’ with ‘informing’. Encouraging a child to strike back is mistaken because it does not address the reasons form the bullying behaviour and it could also result in a child being seriously hurt if the bully is more adept at fighting.